Perth Rainbow Swans
We are a masters swimming club that aims to promote swimming amongst the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, non-binary, queer/questioning, asexual and aromatic (LGBTIQA+) community and where members, regardless of sexuality and gender identity, can train together in an inclusive environment with mutual
Wednesday 7pm Beatty Park
Friday 7pm Beatty Park
Thursday 6am Beatty Park
Sunday 7:30am Beatty Park
Tuesday 6am Bayswater
How it works:
We offer 2 free swims with the squad prior to asking you to join. Membership is through the Masters Swimming Australia website. Membership is offered for a 12 month period and then as a 6 month option in the second half of the calendar year. Swimmers then pay a fee each squad session to cover the cost of lane hire. Swimmers can buy a pass or join the Beatty Park fitness centre to enter the pool. Discount membership to the pool now available, just ask the coaches.